
President Ruto, other leaders mourn CDF Francis Ogolla

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The Head of State eulogized Ogolla as a distinguished four-star general who has fallen in the course of duty, and service to the country.

President William Ruto led leaders across the country on Thursday in mourning Chief of Defence Forces Francis Ogolla.

While addressing the nation from State House in Nairobi, the President said Ogolla's demise was a painful loss to him.

"I convey my deepest condolences to all families who are grieving this untimely loss and our mourning nation. This is a moment of great sadness for myself, as the Commander in Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces, the Kenya Defence Forces fraternity and the nation at large," Ruto said.

Ogolla died alongside Brig. Swaleh Saidi, Col. Duncan Keitan, Lit. Col. David Sawe, Major George Benson Magondu (Pilot), Capt. Sorah Mohammed, Capt. Hillary Litali, Senior Sgt. John Kinyua Muriithi, Sgt. Cliffons Omondi, and Sgt. Rose Nyawira after the military chopper they were in crashed in the Sindar area in Elgeyo Marakwet County at around 2:20 pm.

The Head of State eulogized Ogolla as a distinguished four-star general who has fallen in the course of duty, and service to the country.

Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu also sent her heartfelt condolences to Kenya.

"I have received with deep sorrow the news of the death of the Chief of the Defense Forces of the Republic of Kenya, General Francis Omondi Ogolla, and nine other soldiers in a helicopter accident that occurred today. I send condolences to President William Ruto and all the people of Kenya," she said.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta eulogized the late Ogolla as an accomplished military leader who was a devoted patriot who dedicated his life to serving and protecting Kenya.

"His leadership, bravery, and unwavering commitment to duty have made a lasting impact on our armed forces and our nation as a whole," he said.

Ogolla served under the retired President as the Deputy Commander of the Kenya Air Force, Commander of the Kenya Air Force, and Vice Chief of Defence Forces.

"During this period of mourning, please accept my sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathies to the family, friends, and colleagues of the other officers of the ill-fated flight," he said.

US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman said the late CDF was a great friend of the United States and helped advance the US-Kenya partnership.

“I had the honour of working with General Ogolla and had great respect for his integrity and dedication to the Kenyan people,” she added.

First lady Rachel Ruto also passed her condolences to the family of the late CDF and the families of the nine senior military officers.

"Our prayers and thoughts are with his wife, Aieleen Ogolla, and the family during this difficult time. We also remember the other families affected by this unfortunate accident and pray that God comforts and strengthens them," she said.

Cabinet Secretary for Defence Aden Duale eulogised Ogolla as a brother and a friend, who was a decorated and distinguished Kenya Air Force officer who served the country for 40 years.

“His legacy will forever be cherished in our hearts and in our nation's history. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those of the other officers on the ill-fated flight. Rest in peace General,” he added.

Opposition Leader Raila Odinga mourned Ogolla as a true patriot, a highly decorated soldier, and a consummate professional who served his country with unwavering dedication.

“We know that at this moment words will not be enough to console your tremendous grief. We pray the Lord may give you comfort. May the souls of all those who have departed find eternal peace,” Raila said.

Majority leader of the National Assembly, Kimani Ichung'wah, described Ogolla as a true patriot who served his country with distinction.

"His leadership and dedication will be deeply missed. My heartfelt condolences to General Ogolla's family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time," he said.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja eulogised the late CDF as a gentle, firm, and steady hand with whom his government has worked closely.

“Our Nation has lost a gallant general and a dedicated servant. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Ogolla and the servicemen and women on board the ill-fated helicopter,” he said.

On his part, Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo said Ogolla's distinguished service and dedication to Kenya will never be forgotten.

Kamukunji MP Yussuf Hassan eulogized the late CDF as a fine gentleman, humble, approachable, and considerate soul.

He said Ogolla embodied professionalism and exceptional leadership qualities.

The MP noted that, in addition to the professional connection through the Parliamentary Committee for Defence, General Ogolla was also a friend.

“His passing is an immense loss for his family, his community, and our nation. General Ogolla will be greatly missed by all those who had the privilege of knowing him,” he added.


Central Organisation of Trade Unions Secretary General Francis Atwoli highlighted that Ogolla’s devotion, dedication, and determination to ensure the peace and safety of Kenya were unmatched.


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